Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"LOST" in translation

Before I get too carried away with this next blog, I would like to give credit where credit is due. My boyfriend and fellow coffee enthusiast, Ryan, is the one who introduced me to the “two-cup-luxury” phenomenon, and it would be unjust of me to take credit for that realization without mentioning him. So thank you Ryan, and keep fightin’ the good fight (or drinking the good coffee… whatever works for you).

I’ve been having a difficult time thinking of a good topic for today’s post. I made a little list on the back of my Blockbuster receipt of all the interesting things I could talk about, but I’m just not feeling any of them right now. So maybe I’ll flip to the other side of that Blockbuster receipt and see if I’m feeling inspired by that.

Hmm… I rented LOST, season 4. Now I know that I just “lost “(pun intended) 90% of my readers, and the remaining 10% are going to flip out and want to talk about every conspiracy theory under the sun pertaining to this hit show.

Now as many (MANY) of you know, I am a HUGE TV show junkie. I am more devoted to my tv shows than I am to my undergraduate education (whoops.. did I just admit that outloud??). Oh well, it’s no big secret. The LOST train took me a while to get hooked on, and even though I do enjoy it, it’s definitely not my favorite. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a really good show, and even though it gets weirder and less believable the more I watch (I’m currently halfway through season 4) I still find it fascinating and can’t wait to decode it’s many mysteries and clues. Yet, as suspenseful and full of mystery as LOST is, it will never be up there with my favorite shows.

Again, as many of you know, I like to analyze things.. maybe too much. Maybe that’s why I’m a literature major. I like figuring out WHY something is or isn’t my favorite, instead of just accepting it and moving on. So why is it, despite an incredible cast, beautiful setting, and suspenseful cliff-hangers, that I can’t seem to appreciate LOST as much as the rest of the world??

Reason #1: Unfinished business:
The writers of LOST have an annoying habit of leaving TOO many cliff-hangers, and never going back to resolve them. Granted, I’m not fully caught up, so I can’t say with certainty that they will never be resolved, but it’s almost like the writer’s themselves have forgotten all the little unsolved details that got me interested in the first place. I won’t go into specifics, to spare my readers who don’t watch it, but it really is annoying to bring something up, and never go back to it.

Reason #2: Too many characters:
This might seem really trivial, but it’s an honest reason. There are so many characters with so many intertwining backstories, that it’s almost impossible to keep up! This makes it especially frustrating in between seasons when you have an extended break and then are expected to remember everything! I have a hard enough time keeping tabs on my own life and the people in it, let alone an entire airplane and island worth of strangers! I think I would have a better time adapting if the writers just chose like, 6 main characters to work with, instead of an overwhelming amount like 20.

Dispensable characters:
Ok this might seem like a direct contradiction to what I just said, but hear me out. IF the writers are going to take the time to develop all these characters and intervening layers of history, STOP KILLING THEM OFF!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been distraught, literally distraught, that they killed off a character that they spent nearly 15 hours of my time building up and getting me to like! Yes, I understand that they are trapped on an island and have a seemingly infinite number of enemies to ward off, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!! You’re killing me here!! Stop getting me to like people just to kill them off!! Not only are you making me sad, but you’re putting good actors out of work!! Now that’s just selfish!

The Fans:
LOST fans are annoying. Period.

LOST of course has it’s gems. There’s no way it would have the following it does without them. I love the twists and turns, and guessing how it’s all going to resolve, as do all of its viewers! But the fact of the matter is, I personally feel that it has dug a hole that it can’t get out of. But as it is now in it’s 6th and final season, I guess the world will see if the writers can pull it off and make the mystery of Oceanic Flight 815 come to a close.

The following is a short snippet from one of my favorite entertainment sources The Onion. If you’ve never head of The Onion before, I weep for you. It’s a satire magazine/news source and they have some real nuggets of comedic gold. I highly recommend watching the following! Enjoy!

Final Season Of 'Lost' Promises To Make Fans More Annoying Than Ever

Till next time,


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